Megamind IT Solutions

RPA & Human Digitals

Megamind’s RPA & Human Digitals combines robotic process automation (RPA) and human digitals to automate and augment tasks.

  • Robotic process automation (RPA): RPA is a software technology that can automate repetitive tasks that are performed by humans. For example, RPA can be used to automate tasks such as data entry, scheduling appointments, and sending emails.
  • Human digitals: Human digitals are humans who are trained to work alongside RPA. Human digitals can use their skills and knowledge to augment the work of RPA, such as by providing input and feedback, troubleshooting problems, and making decisions.

By combining RPA and human digitals, Megamind’s RPA & Human Digitals can automate and augment tasks more effectively than either technology can do on its own. This can help organizations to improve their efficiency, reduce costs, and improve their bottom line.